The challenge of the Overland Track

— Lanna

Taking the challenge of the Overland Track

Is something that motivates me from the map

On Christmas Eve, how brave we wandered

Into the wilderness we pondered

It was a misty day to start

Couldn’t see the top of Mt Cradle hiding in the dark

Heavy bag behind our backs

Crawling up to Marion lookout along a steep steep track

Panting, resting, we hoped the rest of the journey was not like that!

Along the track we continued; greeted by grey wallabies and wombats

At last, we arrived at the first hut

Barn Bluff in sight to our hearts delight

We passed through forests and moors, King Billy pines centuries old

Walking, tramping till our feet get sore, blisters growing around our toes
We rested at the Pine Forest Moor Hut enjoying meals kindly prepared for us.
Waking up to the sounds of singing birds

Ready for another day’s journey onto Pelion Plains overlooking Mt Oakleigh.

Admiring the mountain’s dolerite spires, passing Frog Flats near Forth River,
It’s the lowest point in the Overland Track that’s for sure.

Sunny weather prevailed, next came the most challenging trail

Climbing Tasmania’s highest peak – up to Mt Ossa summit

Scrambling, crawling, stumbling, pausing
Up the rocks with all our strengths

We reached the top, breathtaking views on a flat plateau

A few more meters, towards the highest crest we go

360 degrees around we saw, three quarters of Tassie with seas ashore

Getting down was a lot more difficult, with knees trembling, to keep ourselves stable.
A hard-earned journey, satisfying rewards, a good night sleep, was all we need.

Suddenly the weather changed with howling winds and downpouring rain

Our raingears not wasted but paths more treacherous

Rainforests again, with rooty paths and muddy trails

Crisscrossing, concentrating, making sure our stance didn’t fail

The final leg from Windy Ridge to Lake St Claire

Lovely warm sun melted away our natural fears

Through sclerophyll forests and open fields, saw the “big tree” in a spectacular view

Trodding, walking, we reached the Lake at Narcissus

Six days continuous walking was sure enough

Back to the city, our eyes drooping on the shuttle bus

A journey full of wonders, beautiful sceneries and unforgettable

The joyfulness of walking the Overland Track.